Siris Rivas-Verdejo

Hi! Hola! Oi! Bonjour! Buongiorno

Thank you for choosing to play with me and explore something fun, different and beyond what has ever existed before! Check out the classes and services available below and let us know if you have any questions.  

Let's Play!

Online Academy of Phantastical Creatures

The Academy of the Seen and Unseen is for those who have been looking for a community and a haven to explore different energies, get in touch with their body and create with awareness, choice, color and energy in ways that have never existed on the planet before.


Money Your Way Group

Siris Raquel Rivas-Verdejo guides participants in playing with tools from all modalities, books, resources, systems and walks of life to increase your money flows and add revenue streams in fun and simple ways via weekly videos, questions, visual organizers and special guests.


Self-Paced Courses

Explore taster classes at your own pace on relationships, business, money, health and joyful living. What steps can you take to create what you know is uniquely possible for you? 


50% Complete

Two Step

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